Nourish & Lift has been well prepared to support and inspire you by principles of a peaceful, flexible and entirely practical approach to understanding & improving your health.
This 4-week program includes 3 private/one to one sessions, personalised dietary, lifestyle and supplements recommendations, meal suggestions and recipes! Everything tailored to your needs.
What Nourish & Lift Programme includes ?
Nutritional Therapy Questionnaire & Food Diary Analysis
90 min Nutritional Therapy Consultation
1x 45 min follow-up consultations
Meal suggestion & recipes
or elimination diet if required
Personalised Nutrition& Lifestyle Recommendation
and if necessary, supplements plan
The entire programme should be completed within 1 month from the date of purchase.
Please note that testing might be recommended at additional costs.
After participating in the Programme you will:
Be fully listened by experienced nutritional and health coach and Nutritional therapist and more importantly by someone who has been there themselves and understand where you are
Start reaching your health and wellness goals whether that are better mood, sleep and/ or regular bowel movements, fewer sugar cravings, stabilising your hormones, addressing your
Have a clear picture of your health imbalances and start addressing them
Have a deeper understanding of your body and get to know what might be the root cause of your health issues
Learn how to read your own body symptoms and hear what it’s your body telling you
Let’s discuss what you need to get the transformation you want.
What My Clients Say?
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place where you have to live.”
How much does the 4-week Starter programme cost?
Analysis of health questionnaires and laboratory tests (before the meeting): €45
1x 90 min initial consultation: €135
1x 45 min consultation discussing the treatment plan: €65
1x 60 min follow-up consultation: €90
Personalised Nutrition& Lifestyle Recommendation (sent by email): €65
Meal suggestion & recipes or elimination diet: €50
Total program value: €450
Current price: €350
The length of the program depends on your state of health and the goals you want to achieve.
Nutritional therapy is a science-based knowledge based on the principles of Functional Medicine which aim is to find the root cause of your disease. A root cause is the original cause of an illness. Only by finding the cause of the disease, we can help your body heal itself.
Nutritional Therapists can never be treated as a replacement for medical advice, but they frequently cooperate with medical professionals.